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Explore joining a small group, serving in a ministry, attending a study, or helping out the community around us.

Hospitality Ministry

Most visitors will decide whether or not they will return to a church within moments of stepping foot on the property. The greeters at the door and the ushers are crucial to making that first impression. These servants of God are tasked with the weighty assignment of making everyone feel warm, wanted, and welcome.

Nursing Home Ministry

On the fourth Saturday of each month, a group from our church presents a service to the residents at the FutureCare Canton Harbor Nursing Home. We do our best to love and encourage them. During this service, volunteers will sing spiritual songs with them, someone will sing a special number, and one of our men will preach a Bible sermon.

Baltimore Rescue Mission

The Baltimore Rescue Mission has been reaching out to the inner city of Baltimore since 1956. While the primary objective is the evangelization of every person who enters the mission, they also provide food, clothing, shelter, and a five-day drug and alcohol detox.


Men's Ministry

We believe that God in His omniscience created men and women in His image, giving them equal dignity and value in His sight. However, God also gave men and women different and complementary roles within the home and the church. As a result, we believe it is important to nurture both men and women differently and at times separately. Our men’s ministry is designed to help men sharpen each other. Proverbs 27:17 states that iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. We fellowship in groups of just men and boys at conferences and other meetings with the intention of strengthening men in their God-given role.

Women's Ministry

We believe it is equally important to encourage women and girls. Through meetings, conferences, and other activities, we offer women the chance to learn and grow as they hold each other accountable and share biblical values with one another. Lifelong friendships are developed through this ministry. Many women realize how having good relationships promotes long-term spiritual health.


Children's Ministry

The Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the importance of children during His earthly ministry. We aim to teach young people Biblical principles that will help them throughout their entire lives. Men and women alike can impact the next generation of Christians by serving the children through junior church, Sunday school, or Vacation Bible School.


Find a place where you can serve the church and our community.

Sunday Morning Teams

Sunday services have a lot of moving parts and require many members of the church to serve. Ranging from public platforms to behind the scenes, there is a way for everyone to serve on Sunday mornings.

Audio-Video Ministry

Those who are gifted in the area of sound equipment and video recording are welcome to join our audio-video team. Their responsibility is to ensure that our services have quality sound and video presentations. Through this behind-the-scenes ministry you can have an enormous influence on the effectiveness of the church as a whole.

Music Ministry

This ministry is for anyone who displays proficiency in instrumental or vocal music. Although the skill level of a person is not the only prerequisite for participation in this ministry, we certainly take that into consideration. All of God’s people are encouraged to praise the Lord, but some of God’s people are especially endowed with musical talent from the Lord. If the previous statement describes you, then we would love to have you involved in our music ministry.

Explore Baltimore Baptist Church

What’s your next step? Learn more, start planning your visit, or get directions!

Read Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.

Meet the Leadership

Get to know the people who love the Lord and aim to humbly serve Baltimore Bapist.

Plan Your Visit

Take the next step by learning what you can expect on a Sunday morning.

Join us on Tuesday, 12/24 at 4PM as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and reflect on the gifts of Christmas.