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About Us

Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.

Our Mission

“We exist to inspire everyone to love the Lord, love the local, and love the lost.”


We Love What Jesus Has Done

We are a church that glorifies God as we celebrate his grace and share in the joy of Jesus through the making and maturing of disciples. We love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

We Love Our City

We strive to plant deep roots in our city of Baltimore and to bless our neighbors through the ministry of the gospel for generations to come.



We Love Our Neighbors

By God’s grace, it’s our aim that our Baltimore neighbors would come to know and love Jesus and enter into his joy. And not only this, but we desire that more and more residents of the state of Maryland would come to know the joy of Jesus.

Who We Are

We’re a bunch of ordinary people who have been filled with the extraordinary joy of Jesus. Discover more about our church family, as well as our passion for Baltimore.

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Here's What We Value as a Church


We are a self-governing and autonomous congregation. This simply means that we are not a part of a denomination or hierarchal organization. Our only authority is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the head of the church.


We adhere to the five most common beliefs of Christianity. The Bible is literally true and accurate. The Lord Jesus was born of a virgin and conceived of the Holy Ghost and He is fully God and fully divine. Salvation can only be obtained by grace through faith in Christ’s substitutionary death. The Lord Jesus physically resurrected from the dead. The miracles performed by the Lord Jesus as recorded in Scripture are authentic.


Our name is Baltimore Baptist Church on purpose. We hold to the traditional distinctives that have defined Baptists throughout history.


We believe in separation from the world. The Biblical principle of separation means that we attempt to live a life that is consecrated to God while existing in this world. The goal of every saved person should be to live in such a manner as not to bring reproach on his Savior and Lord. The example of a boat in water can help illustrate this concept. The boat can be in the water as long as the water is not in the boat. The application is that the Christian can live in the world as long as worldly and carnal philosophies do not live in the Christian.


We believe that the worship of Almighty God is a holy and reverent activity. Our goal is to worship God in a way that is sacred and honorable. To this end, we attempt to maintain an environment in our services that reflects an attitude of reverence.


The Great Commission is the driving force of our church. It is the last command given by the Lord Jesus to His followers. The Lord’s last command should be our first concern. We believe that God has given each church the command to proclaim the gospel to all nations so that all people from every nation, tribe, ethnic group, and language group may believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. As ambassadors of Christ, we must use all available means to accomplish this monumental task.


A local church needs other local organizations to carry out the mission which Christ has entrusted to all churches. 

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